Finished knitting my
Knucks today. They work up very fast on size 4 needles. About six hours invested in total, including embellishment. The pink is leftover homespun merino/silk blend that I've had batting around for ages. The reddish embroidery is the result of one of my Navajo Plying experiments, of unknown wooly content, and the purple is ancient unlabled acrylic fuzzy stuff from the my closet floor.
Halfway through stitching the letter U, I realized the witticism "Drugs Help" has nine letters, rather than eight, as I'd originally believed. Apparently, the drugs aren't helping as much as I'd hoped. Glad I wasn't in the middle of getting my knuckles tattooed for real!
I ran the embroidery across the palms as well which adds significantly to the warmth.

These are so simple and quick, I may bang out another pair tonight. Or I may just haul my sleepy frauenhinter off to bed.