I'm Giddy with Excitement.

My fabulous Aunt Joan sent me this. What is it?
Here's the back.
Give up? Huh? Huh?
I'm so tickled I can't stop grinning. It's the military discharge papers my great great great grandfather George Maxwell Wilkinson received in Dumfries, Scotland. He was released from the 2nd Battalion of the Rifle Brigade after being wounded and no longer being fit for service. According to this paper, he served in Malta and the Ionian Islands, enlisting when he was nineteen and discharged eight years later. On the back, it specifies that he is to receive eight shillings "marching money" for marching three miles from Leith to Dumfries. Most of that information is not in the official published Wilkinson history. I'm feeling gleeful and smug.
I'm still trying to dig up info about his battalion.
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